
Särskilt begåvades behov i skolan – lästips

Dagens läsvärda text om särskilt begåvade barns behov i skolan. Utdrag från http://www.hoagiesgifted.org/highly_profoundly.htm

--- It is important to remember that, in any educational decision, deciding to stay with the status quo, to keep the child in his age/grade or current grade, is at least as important a decision as the decision to accelerate the child. Either placement decision should be considered in great detail, weighing the social / emotional and academic benefits and costs, along with any other factors that might influence the decision. Staying with the current placement is not a "safer" option.

Things to watch out for, with any child in any educational placement, include underachievement, where the child is intentionally underachieving to fit in. This kind of "underground" behavior often leads to the adult Impostor Syndrome, where the individual does not believe she is capable of what she does, and often worries a great deal about being "caught." Depression often occurs in misplaced gifted children. It is difficult, at best, to spend one's days, hour upon hour and day after day, in a classroom where you do not feel comfortable, and can only watch those around you learn what you have mastered months or years earlier. Another common outcome is behavioral difficulties - children often cannot tolerate their situation, but do not know how to change it, and feel trapped. Acting out is common.

What does highly gifted, or exceptionally gifted, or profoundly gifted mean? A child's level of giftedness will mean something different to every child, in every family, school, and life situation. No one can say, your child is profoundly gifted, so they cannot survive in traditional school. This may be true for many pg children, but not for all. There are no hard-and-fast rules...

But there are some generalizations. Moderately gifted children tend to do well in the regular classroom, with the added challenge of differentiation, a gifted pull-out enrichment program or mild acceleration in their areas of strength. Highly gifted children tend to do well in congregated gifted classes, such as offered in a few larger districts across the United States. These classes are most successful when they use a more in-depth curriculum, which also moves at a faster pace. Gifted children are different not only in their faster learning, but by their deeper interest and level of understanding. Both these differences must be addressed in a successful educational situation.

Exceptionally and profoundly gifted children often need more, and may do well in schools by using a combination of congregated gifted classrooms, subject and grade acceleration. Congregated classrooms of only eg/pg children would probably be more valuable to these children's education, but there are often not enough of these children in any one school district to make the practice viable. Exceptionally and profoundly gifted children are commonly homeschooled for some part of their educational path. This is not a requirements, but parents of these children often find themselves with no other option for a year, or a school level. And this can be the best alternative for some children. ---

What is right for the highly, exceptionally, or profoundly gifted child varies widely with each child. The best thing that parents, educators, and others working with that child can do is to actually work with the child. Make adjustments, offer opportunities, and try new placements, even if they are not commonly used for most children. The highly, exceptionally, or profoundly gifted child is not "most children." He is a unique individual, for whom modifications to the program must be made along the way, for both his gifted abilities and his learning disabilities.

And he deserves to be a child, to learn and play, to be taught and teach himself, to grow in physical, intellectual, social / emotional and spiritual ways, to adult-hood. Even if this means Kindergarten at 4, or high school 3 years early, or college courses at 12. And he deserves to play... in his own way, with his own friends, at his favorite games... no matter how different these are from what society sees as "appropriate" for a child of his age.

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